Just curious... is there a reason simply checking for non-zero isn't 
enough?  Readability? Performance?

f(a,b,c) = (Bool(a) ? a * (b + c) : 0.0)

On Thursday, July 2, 2015 at 9:47:59 AM UTC-4, Jan Drugowitsch wrote:
> Dear Julia users,
> I am implementing an algorithm to solve a specific type of Volterra 
> integral equation, and that simplifies significantly if some of its 
> parameters are set to zero or one. The function implementing the algorithm 
> takes quite a few arguments, such that writing specific versions for 
> different arguments being zero/one would lead to too many different 
> functions, which I would like to avoid. What I would rather like to do is 
> to write one generic function and let the compiler prune different parts of 
> the function, depending on the argument types.
> A minimal example of what I would like to do is
> immutable Zero <: Number; end
> const _zero = Zero()
> Base.promote_rule{T<:Number}(::Type{Zero}, ::Type{T}) = T
> Base.convert{T<:Number}(::Type{T}, ::Zero) = zero(T)
> *(::Zero, ::Zero) = _zero
> *(::Zero, ::Bool) = _zero
> *(::Bool, ::Zero) = _zero
> *(::Zero, ::Number) = _zero
> *(::Number, ::Zero) = _zero
> f(a, b, c) = a * (println("summing b + c"); b + c)
> println("Evaluating f(0, 1, 2)")
> f(0, 1, 2)
> println("Evaluating f(_zero, 1, 2)")
> f(_zero, 1, 2)
> (with Zero defined similar to 
> https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/julia-users/0ab30bE8q6c)
> Running the above results in
> Evaluating f(0, 1, 2)
> summing b + c
> Evaluating f(_zero, 1, 2)
> summing b + c
> even though the result of the second "summing b + c" is discarded, and 
> therefore wouldn't need to be evaluated. This is no surprise, as *(.,.) is 
> a standard function that evaluates its operands before applying the 
> function. Is there any way to change this behavior and turn *(.,.) into a 
> function that performs short-circuit evaluation? If not, is there an 
> alternative approach that achieves this without writing tons of specialized 
> functions?
> Thanks,
> Jan

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