+1 for "grain of salt"

On Saturday, July 25, 2015 at 9:11:54 AM UTC-4, Job van der Zwan wrote:
> So I came across the concept of UNUMs on the Pony language mailing list 
> <http://lists.ponylang.org/pipermail/ponydev/2015-July/000071.html> this 
> morning. I hadn't heard of them before, and a quick search doesn't show up 
> anything on this mailing list, so I guess most people here haven't either. 
> They're a proposed alternate encoding for numbers by John L. Gustafson. 
> This presentation by him sums it up nicely:
> http://sites.ieee.org/scv-cs/files/2013/03/Right-SizingPrecision1.pdf
> “Unums”(universal numbers) are to floating point what floating point is to 
>> fixed point.
>> Floating-point values self-describe their scale factor, but fix the 
>> exponent and fraction size. Unums self-describe the exponent size, fraction 
>> size, and inexact state, and include fixed point and IEEE floats as special 
>> cases.
> The presentation can be seen here, provided you have the Silverlight 
> plugin:
> http://sites.ieee.org/scv-cs/archives/right-sizing-precision-to-save-energy-power-and-storage
> Now, I don't know enough about this topic to say if they're a good or bad 
> idea, but I figured the idea is interesting/relevant enough to share with 
> the Julia crowd.
> I'm also wondering if they could be implemented (relatively) easily within 
> Julia, given its flexible type system. If so, they might provide an 
> interesting advanced example, no?

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