This is very cool! RE the path, perhaps it could make sense for Jude to
check for the `julia-client.juliaPath` before defaulting to `julia`? I'm
also hoping that julia-client can expose some kind of API eventually so
that people can build whatever custom interactions they want.

Autocomplete in the console is definitely an issue, but there's actually a
set of PRs to Atom and autocomplete-plus that will help us fix this. In
future, there's no reason not to expect both julia-client and Jude
autocompletions to be available there.

On Tue, 22 Mar 2016 at 05:17 James Dang <> wrote:

> Hi Evan, no, the console is controlled by Juno (or "julia-client" in
> Atom), and Jude can't hook into that. Besides, Jude is complementary and
> distinct from what Juno provides. Jude does auto-complete within scopes, so
> you can get autocomplete in the middle of a function body you are editing,
> which might be nested deep in a module which is imported into your main
> script. Juno does auto-complete just on your main script, ie at global
> scope, just like a Julia REPL. It's probably possible for Juno to
> eventually hook its own auto-completes into the console. It's just not as
> easy because then it can't use Atom's Autocomplete+ package.
> Instead, you could type your code directly into your source file,
> leveraging Jude's autocomplete there. Then once you're done typing the
> line, you could type Ctrl-Enter to execute it via Juno. When I use Juno, I
> rarely have to type directly into the console. I usually just edit a script
> file and run the lines individually.

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