Hi, thanks very much for the feedback, much appreciated. 

1. good point, haven't considered that as package names don't have spaces. 
But nonetheless, a search with spaces should definitely be all right. 
I fixed the issue and pushed on GitHub - it now considers whitespace as a 
keyword separator. So lookup("foo bar") is now equivalent to lookup("foo", 
"bar") or lookup("     foo ", "bar "), etc. 

The search is not case sensitive which I think makes sense and it's 
probably what's expected from a user's perspective? 

2. thanks for pointing that out, indeed, the GitHub search data was 
overwriting the data about the official packages. I fixed it. 

julia> PkgSearch.lookup("jump")
Official package

     Julia for Mathematical Programming

  JuMP is a domain-specific modeling language for **[mathematical 


sâmbătă, 4 iunie 2016, 14:07:59 UTC+2, Evan Fields a scris:
> Hi, this looks great. Two comments from playing around a little bit.
> 1) PkgSearch.lookup fails if any of the arguments contain a space. In 
> general maybe add to the documentation some notes about whitespace, case 
> sensitivity, etc.?
> 2) The search seems to get confused between package names and the 
> corresponding github respository name, which often differ by a .jl at the 
> end. For example, JuMP is one of the most used Julia packages, you can find 
> it on pkg.julialang.org, etc. But PkgSearch.details("JuMP") will give an 
> error. PkgSearch.details("JuMP.jl") gives the readme and associated info 
> from the correct git repo except labels the package unofficial.
> Let me know if you want me to open issues on github, etc. Great work 
> overall!

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