I'd like to bump this and see if anyone has any ideas. I do not see what 
could change. 

To provide some background, if it would help, 

The code referenced by Eric runs at load time, to generate a set of methods 
(called _jcall) for different types of inputs. For each such input type, a 
method definition is created within a quote block, and then that quote 
block is eval-ed to actually define the method. 

The reason separate functions are defined, rather than doing this by 
dynamic dispatch, is that a key part of the method is a ccall. The argument 
types to the ccall needs to be determined at compile time, and hence in 
this case we define a separate method for each input type, rather than use 
dynamic dispatch. This code works correctly in 0.4 (and 0.3), but fails 
with an UndefRefError in 0.5. 

Any ideas? 


On Friday, 24 June 2016 19:50:01 UTC+1, Eric Davies wrote:
> I have an intuition that this should be possible because the ccall depends 
> on the input types, but I can't figure out how to make it work. I've tried 
> a few things and they all seem to result in an UndefVarError or 
> UndefRefError.
> I want to turn this:
> for (x, y, z) in [ (:jboolean, :(jnifunc.CallBooleanMethodA), :(jnifunc.
> CallStaticBooleanMethodA)),
>                   (:jchar, :(jnifunc.CallCharMethodA), :(jnifunc.
> CallStaticCharMethodA)),
>                   (:jbyte, :(jnifunc.CallByteMethodA), :(jnifunc.
> CallStaticByteMethodA)),
>                   (:jshort, :(jnifunc.CallShortMethodA), :(jnifunc.
> CallStaticShortMethodA)),
>                   (:jint, :(jnifunc.CallIntMethodA), :(jnifunc.
> CallStaticIntMethodA)),
>                   (:jlong, :(jnifunc.CallLongMethodA), :(jnifunc.
> CallStaticLongMethodA)),
>                   (:jfloat, :(jnifunc.CallFloatMethodA), :(jnifunc.
> CallStaticFloatMethodA)),
>                   (:jdouble, :(jnifunc.CallDoubleMethodA), :(jnifunc.
> CallStaticDoubleMethodA)),
>                   (:Void, :(jnifunc.CallVoidMethodA), :(jnifunc.
> CallStaticVoidMethodA)) ]
>     m = quote
>         function _jcall(obj,  jmethodId::Ptr{Void}, callmethod::Ptr{Void}, 
> rettype::Type{$(x)}, argtypes::Tuple, args... )
>             if callmethod == C_NULL #!
>                 callmethod = ifelse( typeof(obj)<:JavaObject, $y , $z )
>             end
>             @assert callmethod != C_NULL
>             @assert jmethodId != C_NULL
>             if(isnull(obj)); error("Attempt to call method on Java NULL"); 
> end
>             savedArgs, convertedArgs = convert_args(argtypes, args...)
>             result = ccall(callmethod, $x , (Ptr{JNIEnv}, Ptr{Void}, Ptr{
> Void}, Ptr{Void}), penv, obj.ptr, jmethodId, convertedArgs)
>             if result==C_NULL; geterror(); end
>             if result == nothing; return; end
>             return convert_result(rettype, result)
>         end
>     end
>     eval(m)
> end
> Into something that works on 0.5. Code located here: 
> https://github.com/invenia/JavaCall.jl/blob/compat-0.5/src/core.jl#L196
> I've learned tricks to deal with the 0.4 function eval pattern, but they 
> don't seem to work with ccall, which is a special feature that requires 
> some arguments to be static and known at compile time.
> Anyone have any tips?
> Thanks,
> Eric

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