On Thu, Jun 30, 2016 at 6:28 PM, Isaiah Norton <>

> This is a lowering bug. I have a repro and a patch that fixes it (Pkg.test
> JavaCall succeeds), but may have unforeseen side-effects. Will file an
> issue or a PR soon once I do a bit more testing.
> (there's also a work-around: use a different variable name for the ccall
> ptr argument)
> On Wed, Jun 29, 2016 at 6:43 PM, Avik Sengupta <>
> wrote:
>> I'd like to bump this and see if anyone has any ideas. I do not see what
>> could change.
>> To provide some background, if it would help,
>> The code referenced by Eric runs at load time, to generate a set of
>> methods (called _jcall) for different types of inputs. For each such input
>> type, a method definition is created within a quote block, and then that
>> quote block is eval-ed to actually define the method.
>> The reason separate functions are defined, rather than doing this by
>> dynamic dispatch, is that a key part of the method is a ccall. The argument
>> types to the ccall needs to be determined at compile time, and hence in
>> this case we define a separate method for each input type, rather than use
>> dynamic dispatch. This code works correctly in 0.4 (and 0.3), but fails
>> with an UndefRefError in 0.5.
>> Any ideas?
>> Thanks!
>> -
>> Avik
>> On Friday, 24 June 2016 19:50:01 UTC+1, Eric Davies wrote:
>>> I have an intuition that this should be possible because the ccall
>>> depends on the input types, but I can't figure out how to make it work.
>>> I've tried a few things and they all seem to result in an UndefVarError or
>>> UndefRefError.
>>> I want to turn this:
>>> for (x, y, z) in [ (:jboolean, :(jnifunc.CallBooleanMethodA), :(jnifunc.
>>> CallStaticBooleanMethodA)),
>>>                   (:jchar, :(jnifunc.CallCharMethodA), :(jnifunc.
>>> CallStaticCharMethodA)),
>>>                   (:jbyte, :(jnifunc.CallByteMethodA), :(jnifunc.
>>> CallStaticByteMethodA)),
>>>                   (:jshort, :(jnifunc.CallShortMethodA), :(jnifunc.
>>> CallStaticShortMethodA)),
>>>                   (:jint, :(jnifunc.CallIntMethodA), :(jnifunc.
>>> CallStaticIntMethodA)),
>>>                   (:jlong, :(jnifunc.CallLongMethodA), :(jnifunc.
>>> CallStaticLongMethodA)),
>>>                   (:jfloat, :(jnifunc.CallFloatMethodA), :(jnifunc.
>>> CallStaticFloatMethodA)),
>>>                   (:jdouble, :(jnifunc.CallDoubleMethodA), :(jnifunc.
>>> CallStaticDoubleMethodA)),
>>>                   (:Void, :(jnifunc.CallVoidMethodA), :(jnifunc.
>>> CallStaticVoidMethodA)) ]
>>>     m = quote
>>>         function _jcall(obj,  jmethodId::Ptr{Void}, callmethod::Ptr{Void
>>> }, rettype::Type{$(x)}, argtypes::Tuple, args... )
>>>             if callmethod == C_NULL #!
>>>                 callmethod = ifelse( typeof(obj)<:JavaObject, $y , $z )
>>>             end
>>>             @assert callmethod != C_NULL
>>>             @assert jmethodId != C_NULL
>>>             if(isnull(obj)); error("Attempt to call method on Java NULL"
>>> ); end
>>>             savedArgs, convertedArgs = convert_args(argtypes, args...)
>>>             result = ccall(callmethod, $x , (Ptr{JNIEnv}, Ptr{Void}, Ptr
>>> {Void}, Ptr{Void}), penv, obj.ptr, jmethodId, convertedArgs)
>>>             if result==C_NULL; geterror(); end
>>>             if result == nothing; return; end
>>>             return convert_result(rettype, result)
>>>         end
>>>     end
>>>     eval(m)
>>> end
>>> Into something that works on 0.5. Code located here:
>>> I've learned tricks to deal with the 0.4 function eval pattern, but they
>>> don't seem to work with ccall, which is a special feature that requires
>>> some arguments to be static and known at compile time.
>>> Anyone have any tips?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Eric

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