Let's define the function that allows to associate randomly a certain 
number of leafs for each child under a constraint : the total number of 
leafs is 100 and the function that allows to add_link between each child 
with its leafs. Please don't hesitate to modify the code, there is some 
improvement to do. hope the problem is more clear for you

function random_edges(nleafs) #nleafs = 100
x=rand(1:nleafs,(1,10)) # (1,10) to tell that we have 10 childs 
    while (sum(x) !== nleafs) # the while loop allows to get a tuple of 10 
values where each value represents the number of 
                          # of leafs for each child where sum(x)= nleafs
return x

1x10 Array{Int64,2}:
 3  1  7  5  13  7  30  6  18  10

# child 1 has 3 leafs , child 2 has 1 leaf, child 3 has 7 leafs ...... 
child 10 has ten leafs 

# here we need to define the function that allows to link each child to its 
leafs and transfer data from each child to its leafs
# some improvement to do !!!!

x=random_edges(100) # 100 number of leafs needed

function  add_leafs!(childs,x)      #x : the output of the function 
random_edges  childs : the output of the function add_children!
data =  child data ? # the data of each child  
level = childs.level +1  # since the level of child is 1 then the level of 
leafs is 2
h = 0
           for i in 1:length(x)
               while h < x[i]            # how to link each child to its 
leafs. for example i= 1 x[1]= 3 then we need to have 3 leafs for child 1 
and so on ...
              leaf=MyNode(data,level, MyNode[], 0)
                   h += 1

Thank you
On Friday, July 1, 2016 at 12:41:09 PM UTC+2, Andre Bieler wrote:
> Well the child can also have children, just like in your graph you 
> attached. This is then one level down in your graph. 
> Note that the root is of the same type as the children. (MyNode can be 
> parent, child, grandchild etc.) The children are just put inside the root. 
> Then you can continue and put children into these children. This is how you 
> get the tree structure.
> I hope this is somehow clear.
> Best,
> Andre

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