Le vendredi 01 juillet 2016 à 16:11 -0700, baillot maxime a écrit :
> @Tim Holy : Thank you for the web page. I didn't know it. Now I
> understand a lot of thing :)
> @Kristoffer and Patrick: I just read about that in the link that Tim
> gave me. I did change the code and the time just past from 0.348052
> seconds to  0.037768 seconds.
> Thanks to you all. Now I understand a lot of things and why it was
> slower than matlab.
> So now I understand why a lot of people was speaking
> about Devectorizing matrix calculus. But I think it's sad, because if
> I want to do this I will use C or C++ .  Not a matrixial language
> like Julia or Matlab.
Note that work is going on to allow vectorized syntax to be (almost) as
efficient as devectorized loops. See


> Anyway! So if I'm not mistaking... It's better for me to create a
> "mul()" function than use the ".*" ?

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