> There's a setting on both travis and appveyor where you can mark certain
> entries in the build matrix as allowed failures. So they will run and you can
> look at the logs, but failing won't cause a red status. This is good for 
> nightlies
> or when a package doesn't entirely support 32 bit, etc.

But I can't change those settings, these are not my packages.

> You should be changing the appveyor files in the same PR to add testing
> against 0.5 anyway. Same on Travis, "release" is going to change meaning so
> it's better to split entries for 0.4 and 0.5.

Yep, been doing that.

> What I'll do right now is replace the 0.5-latest downloads on s3 with rc1+1.
> That way Travis and Appveyor can have this bug fixed, but we're not making
> a new tag until more things are backported.

That is perfect, that will completely solve this problem, thanks!

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