Sure, but *how* do I preset JULIA_NUM_THREADS in the environment of the 
workers? It'll still be application dependent, so it can be in a .profile 
or so (which probably won't be run anyway for the worker processes).

On Wednesday, August 17, 2016 at 12:00:16 PM UTC+2, Jeffrey Sarnoff wrote:
> Hi Oliver,
> I omitted two letters "the environment" should have been "their 
> environment":
> "and in [each of] *their* [remote] enviroment[s] JULIA_NUM_THREADS had 
> been preset [in each remote environment before each remote Julia had been 
> started]..
> from in the REPL ?addprocs
> " Note that workers do not run a .juliarc.jl startup script, nor do they
>   synchronize their global state (such as global variables, new method 
> definitions,
>   and loaded modules) with any of the other running processes."
>      so it seems environment variables are one of those nonsynced things
> -- Jeffrey
> On Wednesday, August 17, 2016 at 5:17:53 AM UTC-4, Oliver Schulz wrote:
>> Hi Jeff,
>> > If your remote workers are remotely local invocations of Julia and in 
>> the environment JULIA_NUM_THREADS has been preset, then the remote workers 
>> will be using that many threads
>> I tried it, and at least when the workers are started via SSH (using 
>> addprocs([host1, ...])), that doesn't seem to be the case, JULIA_NUM_THREADS 
>> doesn't seem to be passed on. It would actually be very helpful to be 
>> able to forward (or explicitly set) environment variables for remote 
>> workers.
>> Cheers,
>> Oliver
>> On Wednesday, August 17, 2016 at 12:16:11 AM UTC+2, Jeffrey Sarnoff wrote:
>>> Hi Oliver,
>>> As I understand it:
>>> JULIA_NUM_THREADS is an environment variable read by the local 
>>> invocation of Julia.  It is not a run-time passable value. If your remote 
>>> workers are remotely local invocations of Julia and in the environment 
>>> JULIA_NUM_THREADS has been preset, then the remote workers will be using 
>>> that many threads (if the have the cores).
>>> On Tuesday, August 16, 2016 at 11:52:20 AM UTC-4, Oliver Schulz wrote:
>>>> I guess the answer is "no", then?
>>>> On Monday, August 1, 2016 at 3:26:17 PM UTC+2, Oliver Schulz wrote:
>>>>> Is it possible to pass on or explicitly set JULIA_NUM_THREADS for 
>>>>> remote workers started via
>>>>> addprocs([host1, ...])
>>>>> ?

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