On Mon, Aug 22, 2016 at 5:56 AM, <fnc...@gmail.com> wrote:

> And to reconnect this stream of energy to the original point of my posting:
> What do you think about changing the symbol storage in Julia to use
> ordered, indexed storage instead of hashed? Does that make sense at all to
> you? I've been playing around with this idea of

No. Symbols are already sorted internally and interned. They are not meant
to be a replacement/alternative for strings and must not be used that way.
I'm not aware of much application of symbol comparison but they are defined
that way to provide a repeatable/reliable semantics so comparing
index/pointer is not acceptable in general. Comparing the hash is used
internally but will also cause a more confusing semantics so it shouldn't
be used. We can also fairly easily speed it up by inlining some C function
calls if the performance of that is important.

If you just need to sort a few symbols (and making sure you're not just
using Symbols as strings) in a undefined order that is only stable within
one session, you can just compare the pointer directly.

> array based, ordered, indexed sets for a while in different languages;
> getting decent results. Symbols are used more than created which means that
> the minor speed hit in interning should pay back as soon as you sort
> anything by a symbolic name. Seems to do fine up to around 100k symbols,
> but I have no idea what you're using in there right now or the other
> requirements. Just an idea...
> /fncodr
> Den söndag 21 augusti 2016 kl. 23:44:35 UTC+2 skrev fnc...@gmail.com:
>> Also, nice to see you again, despite somewhat irrelevant circumstances.
>> Watched you speak in Gothenburg a couple of years ago. Although you were
>> only given an hour, you gave a competent enough impression for me to learn
>> yet another language. Just wanted you to know that something came out of
>> that, for whatever it's worth. Thanks.
>> /fncodr
>> Den söndag 21 augusti 2016 kl. 23:38:31 UTC+2 skrev fnc...@gmail.com:
>>> No, you're both wrong.
>>> Licenses don't add anything but restrictions to giving something away
>>> without conditions, how could they? How could a page full of legal bullshit
>>> ever make anyone more free?
>>> I know that's the story you were told, I've been up there on the
>>> barricades, but enough is enough. Outside of corporations, and I don't give
>>> a damn about corporations, licenses add nothing but headaches, division and
>>> wasted effort. I'm sorry about the community standards, you should know
>>> better than to play their game for them.
>>> /fncodr
>>> Den söndag 21 augusti 2016 kl. 22:19:25 UTC+2 skrev Stefan Karpinski:
>>>> Also, please don't use phrases like "got your panties in a knot" –
>>>> this is a violation of the Julia community standards
>>>> <http://julialang.org/community/standards/>.
>>>> On Sun, Aug 21, 2016 at 3:55 PM, Stefan Karpinski <ste...@karpinski.org
>>>> > wrote:
>>>>> Steven is correct here: licenses are what allow people to use your
>>>>> code, not a mechanism for constraining what people can do – by default 
>>>>> they
>>>>> have no rights to your code. If you want to let people do whatever they
>>>>> want with your code, use the MIT license
>>>>> <https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT> or the even more permissive ISC
>>>>> license <https://opensource.org/licenses/ISC>. You can also state
>>>>> that you release the code into the public domain, but that's actually less
>>>>> effective than granting a license like ISC since not all countries have
>>>>> processes for reliably donating works to the public domain (e.g.
>>>>> continental Europe), so people in those countries would not legally be
>>>>> allowed to use your code.
>>>>> TL;DR: just put the ISC license on it.
>>>>> On Sun, Aug 21, 2016 at 1:25 PM, Steven G. Johnson <steve...@gmail.com
>>>>> > wrote:
>>>>>> On Sunday, August 21, 2016 at 12:11:26 PM UTC-4, fnc...@gmail.com
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> I gave a statement, on why I don't offer licenses.
>>>>>> Not offering a license means that no one can copy, modify, or
>>>>>> redistribute your code.
>>>>>> Saying "Go bananas; use it, break it; embrace and extend it", while
>>>>>> it gives some permissions, is actually not sufficient to qualify as
>>>>>> open source <https://opensource.org/osd-annotated>.  For example,
>>>>>> you don't explicitly give permission for people to sell it as part of
>>>>>> commercial products, so as a result that usage is prohibited (by 
>>>>>> default).
>>>>>> It took many years for people in scientific computing to realize that
>>>>>> licenses were important for example (and as a result the Netlib 
>>>>>> repository
>>>>>> ended up having huge headaches), and there are other prominent examples 
>>>>>> of
>>>>>> problems stemming from software without a license because the authors
>>>>>> didn't think they needed one (e.g. qmail).   Learn from the bitter
>>>>>> experiences of others!

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