Okay - I removed GaussianMixtures and now it is complaining about Compat. 

ERROR: unsatisfiable package requirements detected: no feasible version 
could be found for package: Compat

I wrote a script to run through all package REQUIRE files and print out the 
Compat line, if any. None of these found anything specifying an upper-bound.

I would like to find the offending packages. Is there a good way to go 
about doing this?

Thank you.

ArgParse:                      Compat 0.7.3
ArrayViews:                    Compat
AutomotiveDrivingModels:       Compat 0.8
AxisAlgorithms:                Compat 0.8
BayesNets:                     Compat
BinDeps:                       Compat 0.8.4
Blink:                         Compat 0.8.6
Blosc:                         Compat 0.8
BufferedStreams:               Compat 0.8.4
Cairo:                         Compat 0.8.0
Calculus:                      Compat 0.4.0
Codecs:                        Compat 0.7.20
Colors:                        Compat 0.8.0
Compose:                       Compat 0.8.0
Conda:                         Compat 0.8
ConjugatePriors:               Compat 0.4.0
Contour:                       Compat 0.8.0
DataArrays:                    Compat 0.8.6
DataFrames:                    Compat 0.8
Debug:                         Compat
Discretizers:                  Compat
Distances:                     Compat 0.8.4
Distributions:                 Compat 0.4.0
Docile:                        Compat 0.7.1
FastAnonymous:                 Compat
FileIO:                        Compat 0.7.19
FixedPointNumbers:             Compat 0.7.14
FixedSizeArrays:               Compat 0.8.7
Formatting:                    Compat
ForwardDiff:                   Compat 0.8.6
Gadfly:                        Compat 0.8.5
Glob:                          Compat
Graphs:                        Compat 0.7.16
Gtk:                           Compat 0.8.0
GtkUtilities:                  Compat 0.7.16
GZip:                          Compat 0.8.0
HDF5:                          Compat 0.8.0
Hexagons:                      Compat
Hiccup:                        Compat 0.8.2
HttpCommon:                    Compat 0.7.20
HttpParser:                    Compat 0.7.20
HttpServer:                    Compat 0.7.16
IJulia:                        Compat 0.7.20
ImageMagick:                   Compat 0.7.7
Images:                        Compat 0.8.4
ImageView:                     Compat 0.4.6
IniFile:                       Compat 0.7.4
Interact:                      Compat 0.7
Interpolations:                Compat 0.8.0
Ipopt:                         Compat 0.8.0
Iterators:                     Compat
JLD:                           Compat 0.8.0
JSON:                          Compat 0.8.4
JuMP:                          Compat 0.8.6
KernelDensity:                 Compat
LaTeXStrings:                  Compat 0.8.0
Lazy:                          Compat 0.8.0
LegacyStrings:                 Compat 0.8.4
Libz:                          Compat 0.8.0
LightXML:                      Compat 0.8.3
Lint:                          Compat 0.8.2
Loess:                         Compat 0.8.4
MacroTools:                    Compat
MathProgBase:                  Compat 0.7.13
MbedTLS:                       Compat 0.8.0
MLBase:                        Compat
MultivariateStats:             Compat 0.8.4
Mustache:                      Compat 0.7.18
NBInclude:                     Compat 0.7.9
Nettle:                        Compat 0.8.0
NLopt:                         Compat 0.8
Optim:                         Compat 0.8.4
ParserCombinator:              Compat 0.7.12
PDMats:                        Compat
PGFPlots:                      Compat 0.8.0
PlotlyJS:                      Compat 0.7.16
Plots:                         Compat
PositiveFactorizations:        Compat 0.8.4
ProfileView:                   Compat 0.8.0
PyCall:                        Compat 0.7.1
PyPlot:                        Compat 0.4
Ratios:                        Compat
RDatasets:                     Compat
Reactive:                      Compat
Reel:                          Compat
Requests:                      Compat 0.8.0
ReverseDiffSparse:             Compat 0.8.6
SHA:                           Compat 0.7.9
Showoff:                       Compat
SIUnits:                       Compat
SortingAlgorithms:             Compat 0.8.4
StatsBase:                     Compat 0.8.4
StatsFuns:                     Compat 0.7.18
Sundials:                      Compat
SymPy:                         Compat 0.4
TexExtensions:                 Compat
TextWrap:                      Compat 0.7.15
TikzGraphs:                    Compat
TikzPictures:                  Compat 0.8.0
Tk:                            Compat 0.4.6
URIParser:                     Compat 0.8.0
VideoIO:                       Compat 0.8.7
WebSockets:                    Compat 0.7.16
Winston:                       Compat 0.4.4
WoodburyMatrices:              Compat
Zlib:                          Compat
ZMQ:                           Compat 0.8.0

On Tuesday, September 6, 2016 at 8:40:37 AM UTC-7, Chris Rackauckas wrote:
> Maybe one of its dependencies has a maximum version requirement?
> On Tuesday, September 6, 2016 at 8:38:01 AM UTC-7, Tim Wheeler wrote:
>> Okay, this is a little weird.
>> If I run the following it looks like the culprit is a dirty package:
>> julia> Pkg.checkout("Distributions")
>> INFO: Checking out Distributions master...
>> INFO: Pulling Distributions latest master...
>> WARNING: Distributions is fixed at 0.10.1+ conflicting with requirement 
>> for GaussianMixtures: [0.0.0,0.10.0)
>> The weird thing is that the REQUIRE file for GaussianMixtures does not 
>> mention the 0.10.1+
>> julia 0.3 
>> Clustering
>> Distributions
>> PDMats
>> Compat
>> JLD
>> Where does that come from?
>> On Tuesday, September 6, 2016 at 8:31:44 AM UTC-7, Tim Wheeler wrote:
>>> Hi Julia Users,
>>> I just noticed something a little weird. I am using Distributions.jl 
>>> (great package btw) in Julia 0.4.6 on Ubuntu, and it is listed in 
>>> Pkg.status() as a required package:
>>> Distributions                 0.8.9
>>> I checked on METADATA and on the Distributions.jl github - there is a 
>>> more recent version. In fact, there are several more recent versions.
>>> I ran Pkg.update(), which updated some things but did not change 
>>> Distributions.jl. Am I missing something? Is there some package that 
>>> requires Distributions be less-than-current?
>>> Thank you,
>>> -Tim

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