Do you mean

@which sin(6)


On Fri, 2016-09-16 at 03:13, Marco Cognetta wrote:
> Hi all,
> I know about methods() and applicable(), but is there a way to tell, given a 
> multiple dispatch method name and a possible input, which method specifically 
> would be called (the line number and the parameter types/function signature)? 
> When I was trying to determine which of a method with many, very similar 
> dispatches, would be called on a certain input, I had to resort to putting 
> print statements in every candidate and rebuilding Julia, which was 
> inefficient.
> Example:
> which(issymmetric, fill(NaN, 1, 1))
> Would return the file and like of the issymmetric method that would be called 
> when supplied this input (there are many to choose from).
> If nothing like this exists, it seems like a good feature to add. It is not 
> always immediately clear which method will be called when there are only 
> slight differences in the parameter types.
> Thanks in advance.

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