On Sun, Sep 18, 2016 at 6:29 PM, Cedric St-Jean <cedric.stj...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I just updated my codebase to 0.5, and encountered a strange bug. I have two
> tests, test 1 and 2, both wrapped in their own modules so as not to
> interact. Both tests run fine from a fresh Julia session, but running test 1
> before test 2 yields "TypeError: non-boolean (Bool) used in boolean
> context". Normally, the type in () is something like `Int64`, or `String`;
> Bool is non-sensical.... The error happens on an `if` inside a function, and
> printing thus:
> @show is_eoe
> @show isa(is_eoe, Bool)
> if is_eoe
> ...
> returns
> is_eoe = false
> isa(is_eoe,Bool) = true
> Is that a known issue? The codebase is unfortunately on the large side, and
> trimming it down will take a while. It's not the test 1 definitions/imports
> that cause the problems; it's running code. Presumably it compiles something
> wrong, and that corrupts test 2, somehow?


> Cédric

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