Hi, all:

I finally pushed this out, and it might satisfy some of your needs for a 
simple way to store N-d arrays to disk. Hope you enjoy it.

RawArray (.ra) is a simple file format for storing n-dimensional arrays. 
RawArray was designed to be portable, fast, storage efficient, and future 
proof. Basically it writes the binary array data directly to disk with a 
short header that is used to recreate type and dimension information. 

RawArray is faster than HDF5 and supports complex numbers out of the box, 
which HDF5 does not. RawArray supports all basic `Int`, `UInt`, `Float`, 
and `Complex{}` types, and more can be easily added in the future, such as 
Rational or Big*. It can also handle derived types, but the serialization 
of them is currently left up to the user.

A system of version numbers and flags are implemented to future-proof the 
data files as well, in case the implementation needs to change for some 

You can grab it with `Pkg.add("RawArray")`. A minimum of Julia 0.4 is 

Repository: https://github.com/davidssmith/RawArray.jl


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