Hello colleague,

On Friday, October 7, 2016 at 5:35:46 PM UTC+2, Gabriel Gellner wrote:
> Something that I have been noticing, as I convert more of my research code 
> over to Julia, is how the super easy to use package manager (which I love), 
> coupled with the talent base of the Julia community seems to have a 
> detrimental effect on the API consistency of the many “micro” packages that 
> cover what I would consider the de-facto standard library. ....
 well, you consider 'this' the de-facto standard library and others 
consider 'that' a reasonable standard library and others ...

If you see the need for standardisation of interfaces, just volunteer to 
write a style guide and open issues and PRs on the respective packages. All 
this is open source and the development process is transparent on github. 
For exactly that reason: collaboration.

I'm contributing to the ecosystem and it has been really a pleasure to be 
part of the story.

Wishing a happy day,

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