I generally have pretty granular `@testset`s, which can have messages attached 
that are printed on failure. That way I still get a description of what failed.

I think the lack of indentation for nested testsets is a regression that hit 
0.5 (BaseTestNext on 0.4 indents nested testsets), and there’s currently an 
issue filed: https://github.com/JuliaLang/julia/issues/18611 

so they should get re-prettified soon enough.


On Fri, Oct 28, 2016, at 10:30 AM, Florian Oswald wrote:
> I know there are many testing packages out there. I have been using 
> FactCheck, but have seen it's been relegated to the JuliaArchive. I take that 
> as a sign it's a good moment to use something else.
> There is 1 thing I sorely miss from Base.Test coming from FactCheck, and that 
> is the ability to say
> @fact false --> true "your test failed: false is not true"
> i.e. i can print a custom error message to be shown upon failure only.
> I also think the display of test results (indentation of lower level 
> "contexts" (@testsets in Base.Test)) is nicer in FactCheck, but that's not 
> that important.
> Thanks for any advice.

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