Most of this sounds very good.

But do we lose the current HTML View, which shows a combination of 
Geometry and/or Attributes, and allows the user to choose different text 
renderings for the Geometry?  Or is this what you mean by "Geometry View"?

I would also suggest a different icon for the Attribute tab - so as not 
to confuse this with the attribute button on the HTML View. 

It would be nice if you could display the colour coding which appears on 
the other two views, to provide a visual clue about what Layr the 
displayed feature is from.  Also, the Layer name should be shown - or is 
this the "Spot Elevation" string in your picture?  Perhaps your idea of 
a dropdown showing the layers is the way to accomplish this.

Paul Austin wrote:
> All,
> I have done some more work on a new attribute view page which will work
> with simple and nested features. The new view will be a new Tab on the
> InfoFrame, I'm going to propose that we have three top level tabs,
> Table, Geometry and Attribute.
> When you select the Attribute tab it will show one feature at a time and
> have the usual database style first, previous,next and last navigation
> buttons along with a  record x of n display.
> I think I also want to have a drop down of the feature types (layers) so
> you can select just to view a subset.
> As part of this I had to add an extension point to the InfoFrame to
> allow you to register factories that can add new tabs when the frame is
> created.
> For the rendering of property values I have implemented a renderer
> repository so you can customize how values for a specific class are
> rendered (e.g. date format). I'm thinking of extending this so you can
> override this for a particular FeatureSchema, this will allow custom
> plug-ins to do some fancy rendering of their properties.
> As we don't have an unstable branch I'll post a CVS diff of my changes
> for people to review in the next few days.
> Paul
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Martin Davis
Senior Technical Architect
Refractions Research, Inc.
(250) 383-3022

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