Hi Jukka 

> - if I zoom in and out a couple of times with
> left/right mouse click, not only the image
> disappears but the whole OpenJUMP!

It happend also to me but only one time. The rest of
times simply the images disappear.
I also saw one time that the image is zoomed correctly
but with a very poor rendering. I start to think that
this is the problem - the render

>  Memory is not the problem, OJ reports
> memory usage as around 20 MB before it goes away.

Also to me, not a large usage of memory

> I wonder why Peppe is able to open ecw images with
> pure nightly build at all because it does not work
> for me. Could it be possible that OpenJUMP finds
> dll's from some other installed program on Peppe's
> computer?

It was probabily like this. I tested pure OJ NB on a
computer without ECW dll and it didn't open any ECW
OJ opens ECW without embedded Ermapper dll on a
computer t5hat has Irfanview as default image viewer.
Irfanview has Ermapper dll embedded


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