Hei Michael,

> - Does "Found-more-than-one-source-feature-in-Layer" means that there 
> are overlapping features in a source layer ? In this case, what do you 
> think about changing the message (and maybe adding a message in the 
> plugin dialog box like "Source layers must not have overlapping 
> polygons". Firstly, I thought I had to have only one single feature in 
> the source layer...
ok... I changed for the enlish version, but I guess other need to be 
translated too

> - menu-item names : to follow a well known convention, I tried to add 
> "..." after each item opening a dialog box (most items do that). Until 
> recently, there was two ways to do it, adding ... in the language file 
> or in the code. I added ... in the code in every plugin I had to modify 
> (except omission)

done -  also for a couple of other plugins, but some need still to be 

> - another convention followed by most plugin is to propose a candidate 
> layer at the dialog box opening. One can use context.getCandidateLayer(0)

done, never did that... sorry for that

> - in the plugin intersecting polygons from two layers, attributes from 
> both layers are combined. Would'nt be necessary to prefix attribute 
> names by A_, B_  to distinguish possible synonyms ?

the mapping function adds "_1" and "_2" automatically for equal names. 
So not A and B but I am sure the user should be smart enough ;)

thanks for the hints. Seems I am getting sloppy.


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