Hi Jukka,

  As usual you make excellent suggestions. See my comments below.

On Wed, Aug 11, 2010 at 4:08 AM, Rahkonen Jukka

> Hi,
> I was thinking that now when Matthias and Larry have been working with
> selection styles it might be good to collect a list about things in
> OpenJUMP styling which do not work or work in somehow irritating way.
> I can start with couple of issues:
> - Colour theming option creates all the new classes with the default
> styles. Each theme will then have both the fill and line rendering
> selected, colours are synchronised, and line width is 1. However, I
> would rather see the classifier to take the defaults from the Rendering
> tab so I could set for example the line width somehow bigger for all the
> classes. Usually it would mean less manual fine tunign this way.

This seem reasonable to me.  I have wished for the same thing.

> - It seems to be impossible to show vertises on classified layers. There
> is no user interface for that in the "Colour Theming-Custom" and
> defaults are not taken from the main Rendering tab.

This and the previous request can probably be done by updating the UI

> - The above issue, I think, makes it impossible to use colour theme on
> point layers. Or it is possible, OpenJUMP is doing the classification,
> but all the points are still rendered with the same colour.

I need to look into this one.

> - "Custom" dialogue for a classified layer shows also Transparency
> slider. However, it is affecting all the classes and not only the
> selected one. It might be better to remove the slider from the "Custom"
> dialogue.  There is another slider on the main Colour Theming tab and
> also the transparency slider on the main Rendering tab can be used.

Actually the use of both could be possible if the one that affects all is
proportional as in Layer properties.

> - There is a little issue with the polygon styling. If I create a new
> layer with OpenJUMP and draw a polygon, and next select to show vertices
> option from the Rendering tab, as a result ONLY the vertices are shown
> but the outline and fill disapper. It took me a long time to discover
> that this happens only if a layer does not have any attribute fields in
> its schema. It is enought to insert one attribute field into the schema
> to correct the rendering. Attribute field can be empty for all the
> features, it does not matter.

Sounds like a bug.

> To start a wishlist for the future, QGis "New symbology" option gives a
> possibity to build easily multi-layer or multi-stroke symbols. Something
> like that would by nice to have in OpenJUMP also. For example a road
> with red fill, black borders and black dottet centre line could be
> constructed by piling up a wide black line, a narrover red line and a
> most narror black dottet line on top. For point layers even such a
> simple style than big coloured circle and a small insert with another
> colour can make the map much more easier to read.

It is possible to augment the existing style with another tab that would
allow an additional overlay.

> GGis User manual
> http://download.osgeo.org/qgis/doc/manual/qgis-1.4.0_user_guide_en.pdfha
> s something about New Symbology option in chapter
> 5.4.3. Working with the New Generation Symbology
> On manual page 54, Figure 16, (a) Line composed from three simple lines
> may give an idea about multi-layer symbols.
> -Jukka Rahkonen-
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