Hi Michaël,

I think I know why we get different
behaviours of OpenJUMP.
It is an JRE problem, I believe!

I tested it now on several computer and different JRE.

I *see* the error message (like you) on computer with JRE

1.6.0_30 (x86) and (amd64)
1.6.0_31 (x86)
1.6.0_33 (x86)
1.7.0_02 (amd64)
1.7.0_07 (x86)

I do *not* see the error message on computer with JRE

1.6.0_45 (x86) and (amd64)
1.7.0_17 (x86)
1.7.0_21 (amd64)

The JRE 1.7.0_21 (amd64) is my default environment.

What JRE do you use?

Is it possible for you to switch to JRE 1.7.0_21
if you do not use it now?



Am 18.04.2013 08:59, schrieb Michaël Michaud:
> Hi Uwe,
>> I would say :
>>> it is thrown by PostgisFeatureInputStreamIn
>>> it is tranformed into an error (no need to add throws clause to the
>>> method)
>>> it is wrapped into a string including sql +  exception message + sql
>>> message
>>> it is thrown to the caller (see the stacktrace)
>> This is the problem! I do not see a stacktrace.
>> Maybe you can send me the stacktrace?
> Here is the stack trace picked up from openjump.log
> 2013-04-18 08:56:31,404  INFO java.lang.Error: Error : select * from xyz
> ERROR: relation "xyz" does not exist
>    Position : 15
>      at
> com.vividsolutions.jump.datastore.postgis.PostgisFeatureInputStream.getFeatureSchema(PostgisFeatureInputStream.java:95)
>      at
> com.vividsolutions.jump.datastore.postgis.PostgisDSConnection.executeAdhocQuery(PostgisDSConnection.java:80)
>      at
> com.vividsolutions.jump.datastore.postgis.PostgisDSConnection.execute(PostgisDSConnection.java:49)
>      at
> com.vividsolutions.jump.workbench.ui.plugin.datastore.RunDatastoreQueryPlugIn.createLayer(RunDatastoreQueryPlugIn.java:72)
>      at
> com.vividsolutions.jump.workbench.ui.plugin.datastore.RunDatastoreQueryPlugIn.createLayerable(RunDatastoreQueryPlugIn.java:41)
>      at
> com.vividsolutions.jump.workbench.ui.plugin.datastore.AbstractAddDatastoreLayerPlugIn.run(AbstractAddDatastoreLayerPlugIn.java:33)
>      at
> com.vividsolutions.jump.workbench.ui.task.TaskMonitorManager$TaskWrapper.run(TaskMonitorManager.java:152)
>      at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:662)
> Michaël
>>> ...
>>> it is handled by TaskMonitorManager
>>> from there, it is  displayed by WorkbenchFrame which is the ErrorHandler
>>> Maybe I missed something, I dont know why your System.out.println
>>> does not display it
>>> Regards,
>>> Michaël
>> Regards
>> Uwe
>>>> Uwe
>>>> Am 17.04.2013 11:40, schriebedgar.sol...@web.de:
>>>>> i suggested
>>>>>>> B. handle the error there, via
>>>>>>> JumpWorkbench.getInstance().getFrame().handleThrowable(t)
>>>>> below. why don't you use this?
>>>>> ..ede
>>>>> On 17.04.2013 11:27, Uwe Dalluege wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Michaël,
>>>>>> now I have OJ3512 in eclipse.
>>>>>> Is it right that the method toMessage ( )
>>>>>> in com.vividsolutions.jump.workbench.ui.WorkbenchFrame
>>>>>> (line 1089) should be invoked by the exception of
>>>>>> the method public FeatureSchema getFeatureSchema()
>>>>>> from the class PostgisFeatureInputStream?
>>>>>> I put an System.out... into the method
>>>>>> ...
>>>>>> public static String toMessage(Throwable t) {
>>>>>>        String message;
>>>>>> System.out.println ( "WorkbenchFrame toMessage ( ) t: " +
>>>>>> t.getMessage (
>>>>>> ) );
>>>>>> ...
>>>>>> but it was not invoked if I cause an exception
>>>>>> with "select * from".
>>>>>> Uwe
>>>>>> Am 16.04.2013 20:19, schrieb Michaël Michaud:
>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>>> A. remove the catch.. it will be caught further up
>>>>>>> I think the catch is used to throw an error instead of an
>>>>>>> exception to
>>>>>>> conform to
>>>>>>> the method signature .
>>>>>>>>      or
>>>>>>>> B. handle the error there, via
>>>>>>>> JumpWorkbench.getInstance().getFrame().handleThrowable(t)
>>>>>>> I did not know this trick, thanks.
>>>>>>> Don't know yet what is the best approach.
>>>>>>> @Uwe,
>>>>>>> The message you get is what SQL throws.
>>>>>>> It is more verbose in the case of a table name which does not exist.
>>>>>>> I made it a bit more verbose by adding the SQL string as it is sent
>>>>>>> to PostgreSQL (see release r3512)
>>>>>>> The modification I did in WorkbenchFrame (line 1100, I gave you the
>>>>>>> link) is to make SQL message more verbose, but in your case,
>>>>>>> FeatureInputStream is in charge of wrapping the message.
>>>>>>> Michaël
>>>>>>>> .ede
>>>>>>>> On 16.04.2013 14:07, Uwe Dalluege wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Hi Michaël,
>>>>>>>>> in the class PostgisFeatureInputStream
>>>>>>>>> from the package
>>>>>>>>> com.vividsolutions.jump.datastore.postgis;
>>>>>>>>> there is the method
>>>>>>>>> public FeatureSchema getFeatureSchema(){  ...
>>>>>>>>> which throw new Error ( ...
>>>>>>>>> ...
>>>>>>>>> catch (SQLException ex) {
>>>>>>>>>               //savedException = ex;
>>>>>>>>> // from uwe
>>>>>>>>> System.out.println ( "PostgisFeatureInputStream
>>>>>>>>> getFeatureSchema() ex: "
>>>>>>>>> + ex.getNextException().getMessage() );
>>>>>>>>>                  throw new
>>>>>>>>> Error(ex.getNextException().getMessage());
>>>>>>>>>              }
>>>>>>>>> ...
>>>>>>>>> The System.out... shows me
>>>>>>>>> when I made the simple wrong query:
>>>>>>>>> select * from
>>>>>>>>> FEHLER: Syntaxfehler am Ende der Eingabe
>>>>>>>>>        Position: 14
>>>>>>>>> Maybe in English:
>>>>>>>>> (ERROR: Syntaxerror at the end of line...)
>>>>>>>>> I do not see this exception on screen.
>>>>>>>>> You told me that the class WorkbenchFrame
>>>>>>>>> should catch this exception
>>>>>>>>> but I can not find the method in WorkbenchFrame
>>>>>>>>> which is resposible for this exception.
>>>>>>>>> Can you help me?
>>>>>>>>> Uwe
>>>>>>>>> Am 16.04.2013 00:01, schrieb Michaël Michaud:
>>>>>>>>>> Hi Uwe,
>>>>>>>>>>> I have tested it again with the lates nightbuild
>>>>>>>>>>> (20130414 rev.3505) but I get no errormessage
>>>>>>>>>>> like you.
>>>>>>>>>>> Do you tested it with JRE 1.7.0_17?
>>>>>>>>>>> Do you know which class is resposible for the error-message?
>>>>>>>>>> This is WorkbenchFrame,
>>>>>>>>>> Here is the diff from March 21th which fixed the problem (or
>>>>>>>>>> was suposed
>>>>>>>>>> to fix)
>>>>>>>>>> http://jump-pilot.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/jump-pilot/core/trunk/src/com/vividsolutions/jump/workbench/ui/WorkbenchFrame.java?sortby=date&r1=3323&r2=3393&pathrev=3393
>>>>>>>>>> Michaël
>>>>>>>>>>> Uwe
>>>>>>>>>>> Am 11.04.2013 20:27, schrieb Michaël Michaud:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> With OJ rev. 3459
>>>>>>>>>>>>> and W7 (64 bit) I do not
>>>>>>>>>>>>> see errors or exceptions.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> There is no dialog window or a message
>>>>>>>>>>>>> in the status-line.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I tested  "Run Datastore Query"
>>>>>>>>>>>>> with this simple query:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> select * from xyz
>>>>>>>>>>>>> The table xyz does not exists in my database!
>>>>>>>>>>>>> But there is no error-message.
>>>>>>>>>>>> With a more recent version, I get the following :
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Michaël
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Uwe
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Inside the fence there is a polygon
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> intersects the geometry from "Bauernhof"
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> But this does not work.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1. I do not see an error message.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2. What is the 0 after fence:  ?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Regards
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> uwe
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Am 10.04.2013 11:40, schrieb Rahkonen Jukka:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> They are helper shortcuts for adding a spatial filter
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> into the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> query.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The result will be something like select * from
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> my_layer where
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> geoloc
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> && ${view:4326}
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thus only features intersecting the view, box drawn
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> with the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> fence tool or
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> total extents of the selected features will be selected.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -Jukka Rahkonen-
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Uwe Dalluege wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I like to describe the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> function "Run Datastore Query" in my
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> PostGIS tutorial but I can not find
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> a desciption of this.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> What are the buttons
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "View, Fence and Selection" good for?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Regards
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Uwe
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