Multi* geometries behave pretty well.

- MULTIPOLYGON Z -> comes as MULTIPOLYGON Z into OJ with x,y,z coordinates
-  MULTIPOLYGON M -> comes as MULTIPOLYGON Z into OJ with x,y,z coordinates (M 
gets converted into Z)
- - MULTIPOLYGON ZM-> comes as MULTIPOLYGON Z into OJ with x,y,z coordinates (M 
gets dropped)

Similar results with MULTIPOINT and MULTILINESTRING geometries.

Simple geometries behave well if they are * Z or * M. They become * Z with 3 
coordinates in OJ.
But there is still some an issue with simple  ZM geometries

 POINT ZM (1 2 3 200) 
 becomes POINT (1 2) 
 LINESTRING ZM (1 2 3 200,4 5 6 200) 
 becomes LINESTRING ( 1 2, 3 200 ) (ERROR!)

POLYGON ZM ((0 0 100 200,0 10 100 200,10 10 100 200,10 0 100 200,0 0 100 
200),(1 1 100 200,1 9 100 200,9 9 100 200,9 1 100 200,1 1 100 200))
becomes POLYGON (( 0 0, 100 200, 0 10, 100 200, 10 10, 0 0 ), EMPTY ) (ERROR!)

Polygon case also leads into Array index out of bounds error because it is 
impossible to render the converted geometry.

What is good is that spatialite and geopackage behave in the same way.


** [bugs:#417] wkb reader of spatialite**

**Status:** pending
**Milestone:** OJ_2.x
**Created:** Thu Feb 18, 2016 08:15 PM UTC by michael michaud
**Last Updated:** Sun Feb 20, 2022 10:05 AM UTC
**Owner:** michael michaud

Spatialite driver can't read geometries with Z, M or ZM because geopackage uses 
ogc-specification for wkb while postgis ewkb uses its own encoding (and JTS has 
been implemented according to ewkb specification.
A small patch has been made in OpenJUMP to change how the geometry is written 
before reading it with JTS wkb parser, but it does not work for 
A more complete patch must be proposed to JTS as soon as possible.


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