Le 25/05/2016 à 23:33, Phil Rosenthal a écrit :

There is a different network card driver, so it would require a different 

Ah ok. This RE come with a new embeded network card for the mngt, and Freebsd 6 does have not support for it; and juniper would not make the effort to backport it. Juniper want their customer to test their new code. It can be scary for op, and understand the conservatism for this kind of stuff. However I don't think 15 is such a big change. Ok the underlaying OS have a big jump in version and junos begun to use SMP. But only for separate process, so from a sysadmin point of view it should be safe (as I m really confident with the stability of freebsd10).
Junos 16 with the separate thread in rpd will be a other story I think.

Raphael Mazelier
juniper-nsp mailing list juniper-nsp@puck.nether.net

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