Martin Probst a écrit :
> Hi,
> if you care for "really different languages", there is XSLTC which  
> compiles XSL transformations into bytecode, as far as I know, but it's  
> not really under active development.
> And there are at least two XQuery implementations that compile to Java  
> or bytecodes, by Per Bothner (hello :-)) and by Michael Kay of Saxon  
> fame. XQuery is a purely functional domain specific language (XML  
> querying), so this might be interesting to people.
> I'd also hesitate to call ANTLR a programming language, as the  
> grammars are not turing complete (I think), but it's certainly a  
> domain specific language that compiles to Java code. And maybe they  
> are interesting because they have some really different problems with  
> what they do. For example, they kept running into class file, method  
> size, etc. limits for their DFAs and other generated code.
I've never understood why yacc or ANTLR are DSLs.

It's not that complex to have a clean separation between the specification
of the grammar and the action to execute when you reduce.
> My list would be JRuby, Scala, Duby (indeed), XQuery, ANTLR.
> Regards,
> Martin

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