Similar information, but different audience.  This is about summarising
only what has changed and is operational relevant (special pre/post
upgrade procedure or in this case upgrade order) in plain language.
Think of the experience when you are downloading a tarball, not people
who write code/wikis/tickets/and are already subscribed to every mailing
lists.  Or alternative imagine a succesful future where people use Kafka
without being experts (a la httpd or mysql) but still need to understand
what's changing from one version to the next.

On 10/31/2011 10:25 PM, Neha Narkhede wrote:
> Chris,
> This is a good suggestion. I think it is not too different from the
> release notes we have -
> All details about the compression feature can be found in the wiki,
> which the release notes points to in the 1st section. Al though, maybe
> you are suggesting moving the "Features" section to the beginning of
> the release notes ?
> As for getting the word out about compression, I was thinking about
> writing a blog post on it. Does that address the concern you are
> raising ?
> Thanks,
> Neha
> On Mon, Oct 31, 2011 at 7:21 PM, Chris Burroughs
> <> wrote:
>> On 10/31/2011 06:55 PM, Neha Narkhede wrote:
>>> Chris, please could you elaborate a little more on this ? I think if
>>> this is a small change, we can cut the RC today.
>> I think we ought to include a NEWS file for users upgading from a
>> previous version.  Projects varry in how they do this, some examples:
>>  -
>>  -
>>  -
>>  -
>> I like Cassandra's example with "here are the bigest new features" and
>> "things you need to know when upgrading".  I think some of the others
>> function more as change logs, which isn't what I'm after.
>> So for example, in this case we should point out that the wire format
>> has changed, their is a super cool compression feature, and you have to
>> upgrade the consumers, brokers, producers in that order.  Anything else?

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