
I went over the design of my coroutines module.  Paul Kulchenko, 
Garret Goebel, Alex Blume and Kim Lanners gave helpful advice.  Paul
suggested a way to preserve Perl's scratchpads so the module, which
rewrites code, does not need to reimplement scratchpads in terms of
an explicit scratchpad array, which will work.  On further reflection
last night, it appears that dividing each *ro into explicit generator
and dispatch operations will simplify much, and I have created a working
system, which will develop further.

Paul then presented the current state of SOAP::Lite, which is the
state of the art mechanism for doing platform-independent XML-based
client-server operations.

By then it was nearly midnight and everyone was exhausted.

It has been suggested that KCPM hold a beginners class or workshop.
Anyone have a workable idea of how to go about this?

                                           David Nicol 816.235.1187
                  Many wealthy people are little more than janitors
  of their possessions. --Frank Lloyd Wright, architect (1867-1959)

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