"David L. Nicol" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> I went over the design of my coroutines module.  Paul Kulchenko, Garret
> Goebel, Alex Blume and Kim Lanners gave helpful advice.  Paul suggested a
> way to preserve Perl's scratchpads so the module, which rewrites code, does
> not need to reimplement scratchpads in terms of an explicit scratchpad
> array, which will work.  On further reflection last night, it appears that
> dividing each *ro into explicit generator and dispatch operations will
> simplify much, and I have created a working system, which will develop
> further.

I'm sorry I missed it--I got swamped.

On the subject of generators, I'm not sure it's exactly the same thing, but
you might be interested in this proposed enhancement to Python:



Mike Coleman, [EMAIL PROTECTED]                                      Windows XP
http://www.mathdogs.com                                               Linux :)
problem solving, expert software development

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