--- Comment #2 from RJVB <> ---
If CMakeLists.txt files are to be monitored that should be an additional action
taken by the CMake project manager, not by a generic file manager. And that was
once necessary it should not be removed until support for older cmake versions
is officially and completely removed. (Which in turn shouldn't happen until
cmake server mode works as reliably and efficiently as the json-based mode,

The venom is in this call:

KDirWatch::WatchSubDirs | KDirWatch:: WatchFiles );

Removing the KDirWatch::WatchFiles should already be an improvement, but I'd
hope that doing the addDir() only for folders that are actually being loaded
might at the same time avoid putting a monitor on excluded folders. Assuming
that's OK of course.

> b)
Maybe. I've queried the Qt ML for feedback on this, and for the existence of a
dedicated benchmark but I'm going to go with the null hypothesis that the QFSW
API isn't new and has had ample opportunity for fine-tuning by Qt experts.
We're just using it in a very intensive way here.

I think that the GCC source tree contains almost 8000 files in I don't know how
many directories. It doesn't strike me as odd that memory allocation and string
comparisons show up as hotspots when creating or deleting that many QFSW
entries involve that kind of operation. I'm a bit surprised that "only" 8000 or
so allocations and string comparisons can be that expensive in terms of
processing time but not incredulous. It's really not something I want to dig
into at the moment.

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