--- Comment #14 from Kai Krakow <> ---
I'd like to see that various window contents could be moved to the title bar.
E.g. a video player could put player controls there (pause, play, restart,
volume) as buttons. Applications like video players should have an option to
overlay the title bar with the video content, thus it could fade out on
mouse-out or when the mouse was not moved for some time so you can watch the
video distraction free. At least for maximized mode this would be a nice

As for menu bars in a global top-bar: I'm not in for that because Mac OS does
it but because it has some real benefits:

1. It wouldn't take away screen real estate in windows because we can save some
vertical space there.

2. It is much more easy to just push the mouse to the top screen border and
click to hit a menu item. It must be ensured that the click-area touches the
top of the screen.

3. Such a top bar should also integrate windows controls (maximize, minimize,
full screen, various pinning options, the app-specific controls I mentioned
before) because it is more easy to point to the right top screen corner to
click the close button instead of somewhere in the window. But it should only
include windows controls if the window was maximized. This is also why it would
be important to put the controls into the top-bar when you maximize a window.
For app-specific controls, I could imagine to make a container at the right
side for it which could also act as a sys-tray container. The left side could
take an application starter. This would remove app launchers and sys-tray from
the button bar so we get some more horizontal space for the windows list which
is a benefit also because buttons wouldn't be squashed together too soon (which
often results in trimmed titles and less-easy navigation to the document you're
looking for).

Putting windows into the title bar is an interesting option but I fear there
will be problems with the amount of menus applications show: Cramming a
document title AND the menus into the title bar results in poor usability.
Reducing the application menu to one button (or even a single mini-icon as it
is currently implemented) is a usability horror. If someone wants to do this,
let them do. I think that in most applications that have a useful toolbar you
only need the menu in rare occasions, so I'm fine with that in such cases. As
more applications adapt, reducing the menu bar to a single button (but not a
small icon) can become more useful. So it should always be an option, maybe
even per application as a kwin app-specific setting.

I would also appreciate if the menu bar and tool bar of an application would
blend with the title bar color. KDE already supports click-anywhere-to-drag so
this would be a usability improvement and I could make title bars smaller.

I'm currently still using a classical bottom bar with app-launcher, quick
launcher icons, the windows list, activity switcher (button mode), sys-tray and
clock. This leaves only about 50% of horizontal space for the windows list, and
I don't like when windows become grouped or end up as very narrow buttons or
maybe only icons. The current grouping-implementation of the windows list is
not very user-friendly: There's confusion when a click shows a list vs. when it
focuses the application, especially because it also shows window previews on
hover. These are similar semantics overlaying each other in daily use. But if
you turn off grouping, there's too little space available to fit all the
windows with reasonable button sizes. Maybe it would help if the windows list
would not try to use the same size across all buttons but use shorter ones when
the title is short.

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