--- Comment #16 from Jens <> ---
"Menubars can be (...) merged with the titlebar when when the window is
maximized (Unity style) which is what I believe this bug tracks."
Yes, I'm talking about Unity style menubars which are merged with the title bar
when the window is *not* maximized, and merged with the top screen panel when
it *is* maximized. This makes it easier to reach the buttons and menus with a
top panel bar, as Kai already explained.

The top panel then contains the close/maximize/minimize buttons, the app menu
items as well as right-aligned system tray icons, clock, etc.) I have never had
an issue of overlapping or crushed menus in any app on Ubuntu in anything >=
1600 pixels screen width (the standard for some years is Full HD, i.e. 1920px).

I think the Unity developers have spent a lot of thought about this and it
worked well for me since Ubuntu 14.04 LTS. Now that Unity is gone and Gnome
seems to drop the idea of dedicated title bars and menus altogether, KDE would
be perfect in providing an *option* to continue this design.

As far as I can see, the only thing missing for this to work, in addition to
this bug (locally integrated menus), is a plasma widget that shows the
configured title bar buttons for maximized windows (only) and causes their real
title bar to be hidden when maximized.


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