--- Comment #1 from Sebastian Kügler <> ---
Thanks for the report!

The backtrace doesn't really help here, to debug this further, I'd need some
additional information and the config files kscreen creates (these can
hopefully give us a pointer why the kded module crashes.

Could you paste the contents of the files in ~/.local/share/kscreen/ here?

Could you paste the output of "kscreen-console outputs"?

Could you enable detailed logging by putting this into your


and then reproduce the crash with by stopping and restarting kded5 from a
terminal, so you get its output:

kquitapp kded5

(as your normal user).

In order to work around the crash on your system, so you can use it, try moving
the files in ~/.local/share/kscreen/ out of the way (keep backups, just in
case), if it still crashes (it probably will) disable the "KScreen 2" module in
System Settings > Startup and Shutdown > Background Services from Startup

Thanks for the help!

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