--- Comment #364 from Filip Fila <> ---
Guys it's been a long time and you can clearly see that: a) this isn't a
priority for developers; b) complaining has an adverse effect on their interest

I sympathize with all of you since I used to fervently lobby for my issues. I
couldn't understand why developers didn't view some of them as important.
Eventually I switched my approach to trying to change as much as I could
myself, although that wasn't much. After some time, that evolved into seeing
that, in the greater scheme of things and life, the desire to have my computer
environment be exactly how I want it to be really isn't too important.

Maybe my experience can resonate with some of you. Besides, ancient wisdom says
we should try to cease worrying over all the things we have no influence over.

But if you still feel strongly about this, the only thing I see as a way out is
to create a bounty of sorts that someone would then be more likely to take you
up on instead of working pro bono. But as most main KDE developers are already
paid to work on KDE, it would most likely have to be someone else doing the
work... which given that they would not be a maintainer makes it impossible to
guarantee that their patches would get accepted. So it seems to me that a
reasonable path forward is to first communicate with developers if they would
be open to a patch from a third-party via a bounty.

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