--- Comment #3 from 1234ab <> ---
But with all of the apps I looked at (except maybe Gimp, it looks like
everything fits there, and except Krita, there it reaaally doesn't fit, like a
third of the text is outside), e.g. Console::hMeter's last 2 characters are
it's a shame, because otherwise svg's are much better then rasterizing them
(select text, high resolution, etc.)


so I don't know what settings (inside an svg) are available to solve this, I
don't think it's a great idea to make the box longer (it looks pretty good this
way, it's exactly the same as the png export version)
it would also probably be a bad idea to make the text 1 point smaller when
exported with svg, because of the same reason
the best would probably be something like making the letters take up 3-4% less
space horizontally in the svg export (while staying the same font and size),
but probably there isn't a way to do that in svg, idk

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