On Sat, September 19, 2015 17:58:29 Vishesh Handa wrote:
> On Sat, Sep 19, 2015 at 5:53 PM, Martin Graesslin <mgraess...@kde.org> 
> > My fear here is that if we allow pull request, people will also start to
> > use them for code review at which point we have split the development
> > team in those doing code review through reviewboard and those through
> > github.
> We already use some other forms of code review -
> * IRC
> * Email
> * IM
> * Google+ Hangouts (Just discussed some things related to the Baloo
> KCM a week ago)
> * Knocking on David's door and screaming "I need you to look at some code"

Be that as it may, that's not (itself) a justification for moving code review 
elsewhere and further fragmenting the picture.

It might be that we should instead pare down the use of things like G+ and IM, 
no? ;)

We see all the time that discussions on one list will become off-topic and 
moved to a "more appropriate" list, or that IRC discussions are posted for 
posterity's sake to a mailing list to make the wider community aware. 

Fragmentation does happen, but we recognize that we should try to avoid it and 
try consciously to keep development discussion in areas where that development 
goes on.

Otherwise the corollary to your point would become pertinent: We already 
discuss bugs on IRC, email, IM, etc.... so why limit bug tickets to Bugzilla? 
Why not a Github issue, or something else? I'm not trying to "slippery slope" 
your argument but it seems to me that whatever would keep us on Bugzilla would 
keep us on Reviewboard, no?

 - Michael Pyne
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