On Tuesday, 2016-01-12, 14:58:07, Stefan Derkits wrote:
> Hi,
> On 2016-01-12 14:46, Sebastian Kügler wrote:
> > Hi all,
> > 
> > An invitation to participate in the Linuxwochen Wien has landed in my
> > inbox. As I won't be able to make it, perhaps someone else (living
> > closer?) will be.
> > 
> > If you're in Wien, or in Austria, KDE and the organisers would surely
> > appreciate if you could give a talk there. For that, please get in contact
> > wiht Mr Willich directly, or follow the procedure at
> > http://www.linuxwochen.at/call-for-participation-der-linuxwochen-wien-2016
> thanks Sebas for forwarding the Mail. Would be a really good idea to be
> represented with some talks @ LinuxWochen Wien, I forwarded the mail to
> the kde-at mailinglist, let's hope there are some interested people to
> submit proposals and maybe also someone to help me with organize a booth
> there (would be a pitty if KDE isn't represented if they already contact
> us).

I want to add that Grazer Linuxtage, which didn't have to "steal" [1] the name 
of the Austria-wide umbrella event :) , is also asking for talk and workshop 
proposals: https://www.linuxtage.at/call-for-lectures/

Same weekend actually, since the guys from LinuxWochen Wien can't be bothered 
to read any other event's earlier annoucements.


[1] Linuxwochen is the name used to refer to all Linux/FOSS events happening 
in Austria in a given year, originally the events in Vienna, Graz, Salzburg, 
one in Upper Austria and Linuxday in Dornbirn.

Kevin Krammer, KDE developer, xdg-utils developer
KDE user support, developer mentoring

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