On Tuesday, 2016-01-12, 15:31:02, Stefan Derkits wrote:
> Hi,
> On 2016-01-12 15:27, Kevin Krammer wrote:
> > Same weekend actually, since the guys from LinuxWochen Wien can't be
> > bothered to read any other event's earlier annoucements.
> that really sucks that they are on the same weekend.
> Although Linuxwochen (actually Linuxtage is anyways the better name)
> starts one day earlier, so you could submit a talk for Friday at
> Linuxwochen Wien :)

True, however I am one of the organizers of the Graz event, so I will be very 
busy the whole week :-/

Usually we wait until Vienna has selected a date and then try to accomodate 
this choice with our date, but it took them way to long this year so we 
selected a date hoping that they would check for collision as well.


Kevin Krammer, KDE developer, xdg-utils developer
KDE user support, developer mentoring

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