
> Thus now my question: How will this vision provide us guidance for the next
> disruption? How will we be able to use this vision to be a leader in the
> next disruption? Please explain why you think that the vision will help in
> the next disruption. If you don't think that the vision is for that please
> also explain why you think that. E.g. if you think we shouldn't care about
> the next disruption, please explain the reasoning for it.

just answering for myself: for me, KDE actually doesn't have to be the leader 
in the next disruption. For me, it is ambitious enough to become the leader in 
a defined, but still wide area. Also in the future there will be the need for 
local GUI software on normal PCs, notebooks, tablets, smartphones, maybe 
projected interfaces. I want KDE to stay focused on that for now, this is 
where we have expertise, we don't need to throw that away.
Once such local software is not needed anymore (will that happen ? I don't 
know), something will happen with KDE. Either it will fade away, or it will 
have slowly shifted by itself into some new direction. As I wrote, this draft 
is not for eternity, it gives a focus for today.

And today, I still see so much work to do for the next few years. I don't want 
us to give up on mobile. I have an awful mix of various apps on my personal 
tablet/smartphones. We as KDE can do so much better than that: free software, 
no ads, consistent user interfaces, reliable quality, etc.


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