Hey folks :)

Today is KDE's 20th birthday. I'm proud of all the things we've
achieved since Matthias sent his announcement email 20 years ago
today. I've written a short text for the dot here:
https://dot.kde.org/2016/10/14/happy-20th-birthday-kde I'd love to see
many personal reflections from all of you on PlanetKDE.

I want to take the time to ask us all 2 questions: What are you most
proud of in KDE? What are you most excited about in KDE right now?

I'll go and make a start:
I am most proud of us having written down our vision collaboratively.
This was a crucial but not easy thing to do and we did it. I am also
proud of us for every year mentoring new people and helping them grow
inside and outside our mentoring programs. And the third thing I am
very proud of is us creating truly meaningful mobile applications like
KDE Connect.
I am most excited about KDE Now and the possibilities it can open. I
am also excited about us being more aware of our place in a larger
ecosystem and getting closer to our vision with the help of great
allies through for example the advisory board.


Lydia Pintscher - http://about.me/lydia.pintscher
KDE e.V. Board of Directors / KDE Community Working Group
http://kde.org - http://open-advice.org

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