> On 15. Sep 2017, at 04:34, Valorie Zimmerman <valorie.zimmer...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
> On Thu, Sep 14, 2017 at 4:17 PM, Albert Astals Cid <aa...@kde.org> wrote:
>> El divendres, 15 de setembre de 2017, a les 1:10:32 CEST, Boudhayan Gupta va
>> escriure:
>>> While we're at it, might I suggest also changing the first line to
>>> "[Respect/Abide by] the KDE Code of Conduct" instead of "Support"?
>> Any linguist on the room?
>> Can you explain why you think it matters?
>> Cheers,
>>  Albert
> I'm not a linguist, but if we are making other changes, then I support
> making the change from "support" to "respect and abide by" which is
> stronger and more specific.
> The suggestion to add "Support the KDE Vision and Mission" is a good
> one, so I support both changes.
> Valorie

I’m also for adding the Vision / Mission support and for strengthening the 
wording on the CoC, though I find “respect and abide by” a bit too much. I 
thought Boudhayan was just suggesting to use either of those.

So maybe “abide by”, as that already for me kinda implies “respect” (we’re not 
exactly the kind of people who abide by rules they don’t even respect).

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