On 2/20/19 7:04 PM, Boudewijn Rempt wrote:
There's the 
 page you need to agree to before one can join. And it asks people to confirm that 
they're older than 16.

Why do we have this condition? There are plenty of reasons why we would need 
people younger than 16 to be able to chat with people in the KDE community. 
We've had contributors and even people giving presentations at Akademy who were 
younger than 16.


I share your basic concern.

Background: It's my understanding this was added very recently in the context of making Matrix GDPR-compliant. Other services have moved to this as well, e.g. WhatsApp. It's because GDPR says, simplified, that for folks <16, the service operator needs to make "reasonable effort" to acquire/verify parental consent to use the service. This is essentially intended to protect minors from the service and what it might do with their data.

It's been discussed in the Matrix circles a few times, including:

I'd expect this to change as per the ticket above. I think the hot take of many right now is "we're going to err on the side of caution and see what we can shake loose later".

I think as KDE, since we have a need here, we can try to be part of this conversation and try to push things. For example, maybe we can acquire legal responsibility as operators, and then ask that Riot gets an option so we can make an admin decision that a Parental Consent Checkbox is good enough for us. This would then be a decision to live with the potential risk for the e.V., though.


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