I like the idea, but I hope in future we use Gitlab issues as our tool
for bug management. :)

Em 20/05/2020 07:13, Harald Sitter escreveu:
> Salut!
> Does anyone think it'd be a worthwhile investment to have some piece
> of tech automatically comment on bug reports when someone posts an MR
> on invent?
> I pretty much never bother posting comments with the MR but at the
> same time I know that at least the Plasma team decided to actively use
> the Assigned state for bugs.
> So I was thinking that it'd perhaps make sense to have automatism in
> place that makes sure MRs get referenced in their related bug report
> and that the bug is switched into assigned state since it is clearly
> being worked on.
> Should the MR fall by the wayside for whatever reason a future dev who
> happens upon the bug report can at least look up the MR and move it
> forward. And using the Assigned state in general seems smart to
> prevent multiple people from working on the same thing.
> Thoughts?
> HS

Filipe Saraiva

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