On 5/20/20 9:44 AM, Luigi Toscano wrote:
Speaking as an extensive bug triager, if it does indeed represent a downgrade
in terms of organization and workflow, then we will engage with the GitLab
people to get the issues fixed. They are pretty responsive, and it's better
than using a dead, unmaintained version of a stagnant product.

This process will require time for sure, and some of the changes may not be
applied at all as not in line with the general way the system works (and also
the our internal changes to support it).

In the meantime, having the MR published in a bugzilla comment, and any other
integration mechanism, is surely welcome.

For sure!

I'm just saying, we shouldn't expect or plan to never move to GitLab issues. The proposal in this thread is just one of many things that we'd get for free if we were using it. The pressure to migrate will only grow over time.


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