Christian Loosli kirjoitti 11.6.2020 klo 15.25:
And while IRC is improving  (and you are very welcome to participate e.g. in
#ircv3 or #freenode-dev on freenode) two of the main pain points people
mention   (lack of an endless scrollback / offline history, uploading media
directly) are unlikely to fully happen on freenode / IRC, due to both
technical and privacy / legal reasons. There is very likely to be (offline)
backlog, but it will be time-limited due to the above constraints. Not having
these constraints means someone else (neither freenode nor probably KDE) has
both the storage and the legal willingness to store that data, with all
implications this brings (DSVGO, security and privacy, ...)
These are usually profit oriented companies, and having to rely on these
brings up some new issues.

I'm not sure an endless scrollback is a dealbreaker. I've noticed folks in Telegram talking about cleanup bots that regularly delete the history due to whatever privacy concerns. But in general, sure, people want hosting & backups & everything for free and top notch customer support :)


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