On Fri, Apr 23, 2021 at 11:58 AM Jonathan Riddell <j...@jriddell.org> wrote:
> KDE's All About the Apps Goal hopes to use modern methods of getting our apps 
> to users.  I seem not to have been clear about what I mean by that so time to 
> check in and ask again.  These days apps (and websites and any software) gets 
> developed by developers who are empowered to deploy them all the way to the 
> user through suitable QA.  In the apps of KDE apps that means using app 
> stores (flathub, snap store, appimagehub, microsoft store, fdroid, google 
> play etc) and integrating the packaging for those stores into the apps repos 
> themselves and our release tools.
> This is a massive change of culture compared to what KDE has largely done 
> until now where the packaging and deployment have been separated into often 
> entirely separated organisations.  That does not seem to have served us well, 
> our software has not taken over the world except by other orgaisations who 
> have followed these practices, such as KHTML's derivative now being used by 
> Microsoft Edge. It's not a setup done anywhere outside the Linux distros and 
> KDE has long aspired to move beyond just Linux distros.
> Our most successful apps have long gone ahead and done this, Krita is now 
> available on the Epic Games store.  It seems strange to me not to want to 
> emulate that success.  Moving packaging into app repos makes it smoother
> Recently I made a minimum viable patch for the KDE Gear release tooling to 
> bump up the version numbers where those apps have snapcraft packaging files.  
> However I've been told I shouldn't "overstate the nature of the goal" with an 
> objection to integrating the packaging into the app repositories.
> https://invent.kde.org/sysadmin/release-tools/-/merge_requests/15#note_205935
> I've little interest in putting lots of apps into app stores without this 
> change of culture where app developers take some responsibility for the end 
> result.  It would likely end up with unmaintained apps.
> So would KDE developers prefer the status quo where our packaging is 
> deliberately separated from our app development?  Or can we start with 
> moving, where appropriate for the teams doing the work, to move packaging 
> into the app repos and link the apps with the users?

Here's a separate ticket that is relevant to the topic:

I think it's important because it tries to address the same as the MR
without the actual technical changes in the way.

And for what it's worth, I don't think anyone has disagreed with the
general sentiment in any of the many places this has been posted.


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