Ian Monroe wrote:
> For up to one week if someone finds a major problem in the history a
> re-push will be considered. After that we'll just live with it.
> ...but far better would be for any problem to be found now. Please
> note that the repo names are not the final ones (they will be konsole,
> kde-baseapps, kde-workspace, kde-runtime, kdelibs).
> git://anongit.kde.org/scratch/nalvarez/kdelibs-convtest
> git://anongit.kde.org/scratch/ianmonroe/kdebase-apps
> git://anongit.kde.org/scratch/ianmonroe/kdebase-runtime
> git://anongit.kde.org/scratch/ianmonroe/kdebase-workspace
> git://anongit.kde.org/scratch/ianmonroe/konsole

Some problems were found in the kdelibs repository, mostly in old tags.
r411963 is particularly good at messing up conversions...

The new repository (shall we call it RC2?) is in:


kdebase repos seem to have similar problems; new git repos will be up
once the rules are fixed.

Please, help review the repositories before migration! Unlike KDE software,
here we won't have point releases to fix bugs later :)


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