> 2011/1/27 Nicolás Alvarez <nicolas.alva...@gmail.com>:
>> Please, help review the repositories before migration! Unlike KDE
>> software,
>> here we won't have point releases to fix bugs later :)
> I have quite a few commits in kdebase-workspace with the commit message:
> Do blahblah
> and
> GUI:
> do blah blah
> Since git places a high important on the very first line, could we
> mangle these into  "SVN_SILENT: Do blahblah"  and "GUI: do blah blah"
>  ?
> So check if the first line contains only a keyword, and if so combine
> with next line?

Or just move the keyword to the last line so the "tag line" isn't
cluttered with things like SVN_SILENT.


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