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(Updated Jan. 20, 2013, 11:15 a.m.)

Review request for kdelibs and KDE Usability.


Stupid Review Board discarded my code comments .. damnit, publish already!


This makes the KIconDialog (the dialog where you can choose icons for eg. 
folders) respect the global icon size. Almost all sizes were hardcoded but the 
patch does away with all of this and works fine with all icon sizes and big 
font sizes. Also made it aware of FontMetrics (atm with bigger fonts, they also 
get clipped) and adjusts the grid height accordingly.

Was fun diving into that "ancient" code :)


  kio/kfile/kicondialog.cpp b7d646f 

Diff: http://git.reviewboard.kde.org/r/108504/diff/

Testing (updated)

Yup, see screenshot.

The only issue that remains is the initial size of the dialog to make it show 4 
rows of icons. In the current implementation it just adds another 100px to the 
dialog height (cf. line 490), which is easy, if all the sizes are known and 
fixed, but with variing sizes this becomes an issue and I could not think of a 
proper solution. I probably need to add a sizeHint (tried in the private class, 
didn't help there)? The easiest but not neccessarily best solution would be to 
just set the minimumHeight to 4 rows and done.

File Attachments

Icon Dialog with 200dpi
Icon Dialog with 200dpi (without patch)


Kai Uwe Broulik

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