On 29 Dec 2014, at 17:13, Thomas Lübking wrote:

On Montag, 29. Dezember 2014 22:25:33 CEST, Jeff Mitchell wrote:

They don't. If I remember conversations of four years ago correctly, it's partly out of the fear of horrible rants from users that decide two years later that in fact they *did* want that code that they pushed up and left sitting there. :-)

Maybe I'm stupid, but one could just send a mail

your scratch repo foobar will be automatically deleted due to inactivity within 1 month / 2 weeks / 1 week / 5/3/2/1 days (Saturday, May 16th)

See https://www.kde.org/dontspamourgit.html on scratch repo policy details.

Of course we could do that and we've thought of doing so but have not implemented such a policy so far.


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