On 13.03.2018 17:37, Brüns, Stefan wrote:
On Dienstag, 13. März 2018 15:38:54 CET Michael Heidelbach wrote:
Thanks for your reply, Roman
I also thought of archivemount but (maybe to early) discarded that idea
because for testing I need control over the device id.
I'm not sure how to make identification more reliable either. If I'm
able to read the uuid of a drive or partition it would be small enough
to incorporate into the document id directly. Otherwise I will have to
do some heuristics and use an extra db for device id/drive mapping. I
really don't know yet.
How about using one db per partition? This has several benefits:
- you free up space for 64 bit inodes (currently 32bit inode || 32 bit device)
- UUIDs are large in general (128 bit), adding this to the document id means
considerably larger keys to compare.
- the db becomes movable, i.e. saved on external drives
- as a consequence, the db can also be saved inside a vault

The partition UUID could be saved inside the db, but IMHO this would be an
optional safety measure only.

Kind regards,


That's a totally new idea. Thanks, Stefan.

It's very intriguing, I'll give it some time to sink in.



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